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Spectrum-related software for UNIX and/or DOS

LILO menu screen

This program generates menu screens for the Linux loader LILO, which look something like the Spectrum 128 power-on menu.

[TAR file] zxlilo-1.0.0.tar.gz (3k)

The menus generated by ZXLILO 1.0.0 look a bit weird, because the blue bar isn't wide enough. If you're not afraid of applying a patch to LILO and building it from source, you can get a better-looking menu by using ZXLILO 1.1.0:

[ZXLILO 1.0.0] (1.0.0) versus [ZXLILO 1.1.0] (1.1.0 + patched LILO)

[TAR file] zxlilo-1.1.0.tar.gz (6k)

xv(1) patch

This patch allows xv (3.10a) to load/save screens in the Spectrum SCREEN$ format. The screens must have a +3DOS header so that xv can identify them.

[Text] Download the patch here.

To install, use these commands (assuming that you have an xv build tree in /usr/src/xv-3.10a, and that you saved the patch in your home directory):

    cd /usr/src
    patch < ~/xv-zx-patch
    cd xv-3.10a

zmakebas patch

This patch extends zmakebas so that it can output files in +3DOS format as well as .TAP.

[Text] Download the patch here.


These utilities are for manipulating .TAP files - for example as part of an automated build of Spectrum software. Utilities included are:

Adds a +3DOS header to a file, like the COPY ... TO SPECTRUM FORMAT command.
Removes a +3DOS header.
Combines files into a .TAP file.
Lists the contents of a .TAP file.
Extracts one or more files from a .TAP file.
Extracts everything from a TAP file in one go.
Builds a +3 or PCDOS disc image from a TAP file.
Builds a +3 or PCDOS disc image from separate files.
Wraps a machine-code program in a 2-line BASIC program that runs it.
Converts a .SNA-format 48k snapshot to a .TAP file.
Converts a .SNA-format 48k snapshot to a .DSK file.
Converts a .DSK image to a .TAP file, which when run on a Spectrum +3 recreates the original disc.

Stable version: 1.0.8

[ZIP file] TAPTOOLS.ZIP (363k) contains the compiled programs for DOS (also usable under 16- and 32-bit Windows, but no long filename support), plus source.

[ZIP file] TAPTOOLS-W32.ZIP (444k) contains the compiled programs for Win32, plus source.

[TAR file] taptools-1.0.8.tar.gz (157k) contains the source code and configuration scripts to build TAPTOOLS on a UNIX system. For best results you'll need LibDsk installed before doing the build.

Development version: 1.1.3

The development version adds support for constructing MYZ80, IBM-3740 and Commodore 64 CP/M disc images, .PZX and .TZX files, and for tape blocks in the IBM 5150 format.

[ZIP file] taptools-dos-112.zip (704k) for DOS.

[ZIP file] taptools-w32-113.zip (843k) for Win32.

[TAR file] taptools-1.1.3.tar.gz (193k) for UNIX. As above, it's best to have LibDsk installed before doing the build.


This is an experimental program to convert disc images from the Timex FDD3000 to +3DOS or PCDOS format.

[ZIP file] TIMEX2P3.ZIP (135k) contains the compiled program for DOS (also usable under Windows, but no long filename support), plus source.

[TAR file] timex2p3-1.0.0.tar.gz (72k) contains the source code and configuration scripts to build TIMEX2P3 on a UNIX system. You will need LibDsk installed before doing the build.


HHEDIT is a simple map editor for Hungry Horace. It requires DOS and will not compile or run under UNIX.

[ZIP file] HHEDIT.ZIP (39k)


Converts adventure files generated by Incentive's Graphic Adventure Creator to +3 DSK files, or to unprotected TAP format.

[ZIP file] GAC2DSK.ZIP (142k) contains the compiled program for DOS (also usable under Windows, but no long filename support), plus source.

[TAR file] gac2dsk-1.0.0.tar.gz (73k) contains the source code and configuration scripts to build GAC2DSK on a UNIX system. You will need LibDsk installed before doing the build.

IDA script

This script is designed to be used with the IDA disassembler (version 3.7 freeware) to disassemble Spectrum snapshots in the .SNA format.

[Text] Download SNA.IDC (5k) here. It should be saved to your IDA install directory.

To use it, start IDA with:

	IDA -c -pz80 filename.SNA

and, once it has started, load the .SNA file at segment 0x1000, offset 0x3FE5. Then go to File, IDC file and open SNA.IDC.


John Elliott 2008-12-07