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The symbol [!] is used to warn of features not available in all versions of PC GEM.

The order of versions released is:

Structures used by PC GEM


typedef struct object
WORD ob_next;
Number of the object's next sibling; if none, -1 (NIL).
WORD ob_head;
Object's first child; if none, -1.
WORD ob_tail;
Object's last child; if none, -1.
UWORD ob_type;
The object type. The high byte of this word is available to the programmer for whatever use they want; the low byte holds the type used by the AES.
UWORD ob_flags;
The object flags. These generally do not change through an object's lifetime.
UWORD ob_state;
The object's state bits. These may change.
LONG ob_spec;
This value is polymorphic; either a far pointer to information, or a 32-bit integer containing various bitfields.
UWORD ob_x;
Upper left corner of object - X
UWORD ob_y;
Upper left corner of object - Y
UWORD ob_width;
Width of object
UWORD ob_height;
Height of object


The first three members of OBJECT are used to form trees of objects. A tree is a linear array of objects, with their next/head/tail members used to construct the correct relationships.

Object types

The object type is a word, but the AES only uses the low 8 bits; the high 8 bits are available for use by the programmer. Object types are:

#define G_BOX 20    /* Solid rectangle */
#define G_TEXT 21   /* Formatted text */
#define G_BOXTEXT 22    /* Formatted text with border and background */
#define G_IMAGE 23  /* Bitmapped image */
#define G_USERDEF 24    /* Object drawn by program, not by AES
#define G_IBOX 25   /* Hollow rectangle */
#define G_BUTTON 26 /* Button */
#define G_BOXCHAR 27    /* Rectangle containing a single character */
#define G_STRING 28 /* Unformatted text */
#define G_FTEXT 29  /* Editable text field */
#define G_FBOXTEXT 30   /* Editable text field with border and background */
#define G_ICON 31   /* Icon (image + caption) */
#define G_TITLE 32  /* Menu titlebar entry */
#define G_CLRICN 33     /* Colour icon */
#define G_DTMFDB 34     /* For internal AES use only: desktop image */

[!] Object types 33 and 34 are only supported in the ViewMAX/3 beta and in FreeGEM.

Object flags

Object flags are bitmapped:
#define SELECTABLE 0x1  /* User can click to toggle the "selected" state */
#define DEFAULT 0x2 /* Button is default button */
#define EXIT 0x4    /* Selecting this object will leave form_do() loop */
#define EDITABLE 0x8    /* Object can have keyboard docus */
#define RBUTTON 0x10    /* Object is a radio button */
#define LASTOB 0x20 /* Object is the last object in the array */
#define TOUCHEXIT 0x40  /* Clicking this object will leave form_do() loop */
#define HIDETREE 0x80   /* This object and its children are not drawn */
#define INDIRECT 0x100  /* ob_spec is a far pointer to the specification,
                         * rather than the specification itself  */
#define ESCCANCEL 0x200 /* ESCape is a shortcut for this button */
#define BITBUTTON 0x400 /* Not implemented in any known AES */
#define SCROLLER 0x800  /* Button is an "up" or "down" scrollbar button */
#define FLAG3D 0x1000   /* Draw object in 3D  */
#define FL3DIND FLAG3D  /* for Atari compatibility */
#define USECOLORCAT 0x2000 /* Use ViewMAX predefined colour set */
#define FL3DBAK 0x4000  /* 3D background (sunken rather than raised) */
#define SUBMENU 0x8000  /* Not implemented in any known PC AES */

[!] Flags from ESCCANCEL to SUBMENU are only effective in ViewMAX/2 and later. These bits have other meanings in recent versions of Atari GEM.

If USECOLORCAT is set, the object's interior/background colour will be an index into the 16 ViewMAX colour categories. Buttons will always use no. 11.

If FLAG3D is set, USECOLORCAT is implied. ViewMAX buttons are always 3D.

[!] Later FreeGEM builds use FL3DBAK to implement a "sunken" 3D area. To check for this feature, use appl_init() and check that bit 3 of xbuf.abilities is set.

Object states

Object states are bitmapped:

#define SELECTED 0x1    /* If 3D, object appears "pressed"; else "inverted" */
#define CROSSED 0x2 /* Object has a white cross through it */
#define CHECKED 0x4 /* Object has an arrow in its top left-hand corner */
#define DISABLED 0x8    /* Object is greyed out */
#define OUTLINED 0x10   /* Object has an extra border around it */
#define SHADOWED 0x20   /* Object has a dropped shadow; depth = thickness of */
            /*                                     object border */
#define WHITEBAK 0x40   /* Icon background is white, not transparent */
#define DRAW3D 0x80 /* Highlight icon by making it bold rather than */
                        /* inverse */ 
#define HIGHLIGHTED 0x100    /* Draw focus rectangle around object */
#define UNHIGHLIGHTED 0x200  /* Remove existing focus rectangle */

[!] HIGHLIGHTED and UNHIGHLIGHTED are only available in ViewMAX/2 and later versions.

[!] In GEM/5, CROSSED makes the object draw in 3D:

GEM/5 can be detected by calling vqt_name() for font 1. If nothing is returned, GEM/5 is running.

[!] Recent FreeGEM builds contain a system similar based on the GEM/5 one, but extended and backwards-compatible. The DRAW3D state is used instead of CROSSED:

To check for these abilities, use appl_init() and check that bit 3 of xbuf.abilities is set.

Object specifications

The object specification varies depending on the type of the object being specified:

The spec is a 32-bit word, laid out as follows:
  • Bits 0-3: Interior colour
  • Bits 4-6: Interior pattern (0=white, 7=black, others stipples)
  • Bit 7: 0 if text should have transparent background, else 1.
  • Bits 8-11: Text colour
  • Bits 12-15: Border colour
  • Bits 16-23: Border thickness - signed byte. Negative means border is within object's bounding rectangle; positive means it is outside.
  • Bits 24-31: Character to display (G_BOXCHAR).
The spec is a far pointer to a TEDINFO structure.
The spec is a far pointer to the text to display.
The spec is a far pointer to a USERBLK structure.
The spec is a far pointer to an ICONBLK structure.
The spec is a far pointer to a BITBLK structure.
The spec is a far pointer to a MFDB structure.


typedef struct orect
    struct orect *o_link;
    WORD    o_x;
    WORD    o_y;
    WORD    o_w;
    WORD    o_h;

The ORECT is mainly used internally in the AES.


typedef struct grect
    WORD    g_x;
    WORD    g_y;
    WORD    g_w;
    WORD    g_h;

The GRECT is a general-purpose rectangle.


typedef struct text_edinfo
BYTE far *te_ptext;
/* pointer to text */
BYTE far *te_ptmplt;
/* pointer to template */
BYTE far *te_pvalid;
/* pointer to to validation characters */
WORD te_font;
/* font (3=normal, 5=small) */
WORD te_junk1;
/* junk word */
WORD te_just;
/* justification: 0=left 1=centre 2=right */
WORD te_color;
/* colour information word: */
  • Bits 0-3: Background colour
  • Bits 4-6: Background pattern (0=white, 7=black, others stipples)
  • Bit 7: 0 if text should have transparent background, else 1.
  • Bits 8-11: Text colour
  • Bits 12-15: Border colour
WORD te_junk2;
/* junk word */
WORD te_thickness;
/* border thickness */
WORD te_txtlen;
/* length of text string */
WORD te_tmplen;
/* length of template string */


This specifies a (possibly editable) formatted string object.

"Professional GEM" states:

One final note on editable text objects: GEM's editor uses the commercial at sign '@' as a "meta-character". If it is the first byte of the initialized text, then the field is displayed blank no matter what follows. This can be useful, but is sometimes confusing when a user in all innocence enters an @ and has his text disappear the next time the dialog is drawn!


typedef struct icon_block
BYTE far * ib_pmask;
Address of mask bitmap (device-dependent form)
BYTE far * ib_pdata;
Address of image bitmap (device-dependent form)
BYTE far * ib_ptext;
Address of caption text
WORD ib_char;
  • Bits 0-7: Character to superimpose on the icon
  • Bits 8-11: Foreground colour of icon
  • Bits 12-15: Background colour of icon
WORD ib_xchar;
X-coordinate of character relative to icon origin
WORD ib_ychar;
Y-coordinate of character relative to icon origin
WORD ib_xicon;
X-coordinate of image relative to icon origin
WORD ib_yicon;
Y-coordinate of image relative to icon origin
WORD ib_wicon;
Width of image
WORD ib_hicon;
Height of image
WORD ib_xtext;
X-coordinate of caption relative to icon origin
WORD ib_ytext;
Y-coordinate of caption relative to icon origin
WORD ib_wtext;
Width of caption area
WORD ib_htext;
Height of caption area


In a colour icon, ib_pdata and ib_pmask point to MFDB objects. Otherwise, they point to the lines of the bitmap.

[!]The colour icon differs from Atari GEM, which stores colour plane information immediately after the ICONBLK structure.


typedef struct bit_block
BYTE far *bi_pdata;
/* Bitmap data, in device-dependent form */
WORD bi_wb;
/* width of data in bytes */
WORD bi_hl;
/* height in lines */
WORD bi_x;
/* X-coordinate of bitmap relative to object origin */
WORD bi_y;
/* Y-coordinate of bitmap relative to object origin */
WORD bi_color;
/* Foreground colour of bitmap */



typedef struct user_blk
VOID far *ub_code;
Drawing code for self-drawing object.
LONG ub_parm;
Application-defined parameter for the object.


The drawing code will be entered with AX:BX = address of parameter block. It should return in AX any "state" bits that it wants the built-in code to apply to the object after it is drawn; normally these will be 0.

The APPLBLK structure {ab_code, ab_parm} is sometimes used for the same purpose.


typedef struct parm_blk
OBJECT far *pb_tree;
Tree containing the object to draw
WORD pb_obj;
Index of object within tree
WORD pb_prevstate;
Previous object ob_state word
WORD pb_currstate;
Current object ob_state word
WORD pb_x, pb_y, pb_w, pb_h;
Object bounding rectangle
WORD pb_xc, pb_yc, pb_wc, pb_hc;
Clipping rectangle
LONG pb_parm;
ub_parm from this object's USERBLK.



typedef struct clrcat
WORD cc_foreground;
Foreground colour
WORD cc_background;
Background colour
WORD cc_style;
Fill style
WORD cc_pattern;
Fill pattern


The CLRCAT is used internally by ViewMAX/2 and later to store the colour categories. It is exposed by the X_BUF_V2 structure below.


typedef struct x_buf_v2
WORD buf_len;
Length of the structure, including this word. Future versions of this structure (X_BUF_V3 etc.) may be bigger.
WORD arch;
16 for 16-bit AES, 32 for hypothetical 32-bit AES.
CLRCAT far *cc;
Address of an array of 16 CLRCAT structures. This is so that they can be read by a program; in ViewMAX, the colours could be set but not reread.
OBJECT far *w_active;
Address of an object tree (19 elements) used to draw window elements. Included so a program can change symbols on window buttons.
BYTE far *info;
Address of a 0-terminated ASCII string (at most 40 characters, no newlines) describing the AES
LONG abilities;
A bitmapped field describing what optional functions this AES provides:

appl_getinfo() and prop_*() calls are compile-time options in my Pacific C AES.

} X_BUF_V2;

An initialised X_BUF_V2 is one in which all members are 0 except buf_len. This initialised buffer is then passed to appl_init(). On return, if arch is 0 then the structure was not filled in by the AES; otherwise it was. The buf_len field may be reduced, if the AES was expecting an earlier version of the structure (ie, X_BUF_V1); this should not be a problem because the structures are forward and backward compatible.

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